Convert Leads 10x Faster with AI.

Engage and convert with leads in seconds with smooth AI-based voice bots at affordable prices, 24/7.

Try asking: What can you tell me more about Interacts?

Elevate your customer Interactions with Smart Features.

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Tailor-Made Custom Functionality

Our platform is not one-size-fits-all. We customize AI solutions that fit the unique contours of your business, ensuring that every function is a perfect match for your needs.

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Integrated Actions with Stripe and Calendar

Simplify your transaction and scheduling processes with seamless integration. Our AI effortlessly connects with Stripe for payments and syncs with calendars for efficient scheduling.

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Multilingual Mastery

Speak globally with local nuance. Our AI understands and communicates in over 100 languages, bridging gaps and building connections worldwide.

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Efficient Call Recording

Every interaction is an insight waiting to be discovered. Our efficient call recording system ensures no detail is missed, capturing every word for quality assurance and training.

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AI Summarization for Transcriptions and Captions

Cut through the noise. Our AI provides concise, accurate summaries and captions from transcriptions, making information retrieval instantaneous and straightforward.

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CRM Data Sync

Keep your customer data in sync with our intelligent CRM integration. Our AI ensures that every piece of customer data is always updated and easily accessible.

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Real-Time Transcript Precision

Transcriptions are more than text—they're the lifeblood of communication analytics. Our AI delivers real-time, error-free transcripts for immediate use and analysis.

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Seamless Human-Agent Handoff

Combine the best of AI and human service. Our system recognizes when a human touch is needed and smoothly transitions calls to your agents without disruption.

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AI-Driven Answer Suggestions

Equip your human agents with the power of AI. Our system provides real-time, contextually relevant suggestions to agents, boosting efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Solutions for every need

Supercharged with powerful features to boost your business.

Artificial Intelligence For Top-Class Business

Our AI Problem-Solving Smart Designs cater to a diverse array of sectors. We understand the unique challenges and communication needs of each industry we serve.

Logistics arrow
Health arrow
Image with icons in it

Inbound Calls

Customer Support & Assistance

Appointment Scheduling & Reminders

Order Processing & Tracking

Technical Support

Billing Inquiries

Outbound Calls

Customer Support & Assistance

Appointment Scheduling & Reminders

Order Processing & Tracking

Technical Support

Billing Inquiries

Check markCollect genuine feedback
Check markInstant response always
Check markWorks around the clock
Check markSuper-realistic AI voice
Check markExpand to clients beyond English market

Connect, Convert, and Conquer

Expand your business reach 24/7 with our AI-driven voice technology. Swiftly convert leads, collect valuable feedback, and speak to the world in any language. Always on, always instant, always impressively human.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's answers to your questions

Other Benefits

What make's us stand out?


Average Wait Time Reduced

Happy People

Personalized Experience

10x Faster Experience


BPO Costs avoided

66.7% cost lesser than human sales rep


Training And Hiring Efforts Reduced


What Our Clients Have to Say

"Remarkable Service from Interacts AI!"

We opted for the Enterprise plan, and the customization has exceeded our expectations. The Interacts AI team worked closely with us to understand our industry specifics, and now our voice bot handles inquiries with incredible accuracy, saving us time and money.

Ami Berg

Ami Berg

Chief Executive Officer

"Working with TechSavvy Solutions has been an absolute game-changer!"

The ability to provide round-the-clock support through the Interacts AI voice bot has been a game-changer for our international clients. We've seen a marked improvement in customer satisfaction since implementation, and the support from Interacts AI has been outstanding.

Dr. R. Sivaprakash

Dr. R. Sivaprakash

Founder and CEO

"I'm incredibly impressed with the level of service provided by Interacts AI."

Interacts AI has completely revolutionized how we engage with our customers. The voice bot's ability to understand and respond to our customer's needs in real-time has dramatically improved our service levels. The DIY pricing plan also allows us great flexibility as we scale our operations.

Mikhael Cook

Mikhael Cook

Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Smilez
Explore Talent

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